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Artsville LIVEContestant

how it works

Want to Compete in Artsville LIVE?


Showcase your talent in Film, Fashion, or Performance for a chance to win a $1000 scholarship! To enter, simply fill out the entry form and submit a video of your sample performance. The Artsville Fest board will review all submissions and select 3 finalists in each category to compete live at Artsville LIVE.


Artsville LIVE Contestant Application

What category best fits your entry?
Fashion: T-Shirt Designer
Fashion: Accessories/ Handbags/ Jewelry
Fashion: Repurposed Fashion
Fashion: Scratch made apparel
Performance: Solo Music - Vocal
Performance: Solo Music - Instrumental
Performance: Solo Performance - Dance Performance
Performance: Solo Performance - Spoken Word
Performance: Solo Performance -Comedy
Performance: Group - music
Performance: Group - Dance
Performance: Group - Other

Submit a Sample

Fashion: Submit at least 3 images that represent your work

Film & Performing Arts: Submit a video/sound clip that represents your work

** Videos that are submitted via google drive are not a reliable source due to the difficulty in opening the file. Uploading your sample into a YouTube video may be a better option.

Application Fee
Application Fee
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